We’re hard at work putting together this year’s Summer Up! program, but you can Register Now to get updates on opportunities as they become available.

Middle Schoolers

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High Schoolers

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Young Adults

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Scroll to the bottom of this page to complete the 2021 Early Registration request.

This program gives them a sense of I can.

Cynthia Anguiano, Mother of Francisco Anguiano III

“It was exciting for him to get a taste of being responsible, and to see if he really wanted to do what he said he wanted to do. College will be more challenging than high school: he needs to gear up for that. This program gives them the sense of, “‘I can. I can do better. I don’t have to be stuck. I have a sense of worth. Even though my parents aren’t rich, I still can go to college. I can have a future.’”

Look at all the opportunities that they provide here!

Salvador Lopez, Father of Juliana Lopez

“Our children know that we do everything possible so they can study, we take them to the places they want to go to. I want them to be happy. This is our responsibility and their responsibility. We, her parents, didn’t go to college. We didn’t have this opportunity in Mexico. We felt a lot of pride when Juliana went to NIU this summer.